This Is How We Dream Part 1
This Is How We Dream Part 2
Richard Miller's This Is How We Dream Videos explained that our culture is changing in the way we recieve and compile information. I can remember in elementary school when we would go to the library you had to use the old timey card catalog to find out where a book was located. Now a computer is used. It's the same way with looking up information. When doing reports in elementary school I often used my grandmother's set of encyclopedias which did not have the most recent information in them. Now all I have to do is log on to the internet and the information is at my fingertips and is up to date.
Using things such as e-mail and blogs allows people to collaborate and share informaiton with one another. These are great tools to use in a classroom. By using the internet and new technology people are able to create documents with out using a pen and paper. It is important to know how to use the technology available to you so that you can benefit from it. The best way to make sure that people can transition into this new way of learning is to teach them at an early age.
In disagree with Mr. Miller about all writing being done on the computer. Paper and pencils are much cheaper than a computer and many people can not afford a computer. I also think that it is important for people to know how to write things by hand. Some things are effectively done by writing on the computer, but other things, such as a letter is not done as effectively on the computer unless it is a business letter. Letters which are handwritten seem more personal.
I think that I would be willing to write with multimedia and would try my best. I also think that children would be able to do it with alot of practice. I do not think that everyone would enjoy doing it that way.
I remember using card catalog too and the 22 book set of encyclapedia at home. Nice blog.