Sunday, August 23, 2009

Next Generation Learning

The "Next Generation Learning" video showed many forms of technology being used in some schools today. Henry's school is a very technologically advanced school. This school has a more interactive learning environment than many of our schools do. By using technology, this school made learning interesting, fun, and easy.

The school's website shows the daily menu and makes communication between parents and teachers a breeze. Henry is able to download his homework from this site and upload it when it is complete. There is also a place to put pictures from school trips on the site so parents can see what their kids are doing.

Henry and his classmates use the wii to exercise their brains and bodies. I think that this is a good way to give kids who have trouble focusing in class an outlet for their energy. As Henry said, digital cameras make projects "come alive." The interactive white boards serve double duty as a whiteboard and computer in one. This would be a handy tool for any school to have.

This video shows just how much technology can benefit a learning environment. It was neat that the school had laptops for children to sign out and take home if they did not have one. From the perspective of this video it seemed as though this school had it all, but there are many forms of technology available that I do not know about.


  1. Good Posts! We'll talk tonight about your post

  2. I felt the same way. My favorite part was the interactive white boards.
