Michael Wesch: "A Vision of Students Today"
This video was very interesting. I really related to it. It does capture my college experience. I am taking two classes right now that we have not used our book in. I paid so much money for my books and it makes me sick to think that they are not being used. I also related to the part at the end which said that students have to be multitaskers. I am so busy right now and I am constantly multitasking. For example, right now I am washing and drying clothes, cooking supper, watching TV and doing my homework. Except for the TV part, all of these things I have to be doing right now.This video pretty much sums up how I feel about college.
If I had to add one thing to this video it would probably be that I will not only be in debt when I graduate, I will have spent thousands of dollars commuting to and from school. I drive 106 miles 4 days per week and about 50 miles 2 nights per week. This has been my biggest aggravation with college. I wonder how many other students in the country are spending that much on gas, and what the total amount of money college students are spending on gas each year. I'm sure we would be amazed at the total.
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