"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung
Mr. McClung had a very good point. In college the professors teach you to make sure your lessons are delivered well, and they keep you focused on how you are being assessed by your superiors. He said that he needed to focus on whether or not the lesson was student oriented or not. He says not to worry so much about the delivery of the lesson, but to be more concerned with whether or not the students comprehend it. Another good poing that Mr. McClung made was that you have to be flexible. You can plan the pefect lesson, but it might not go as you planned. Mr. McClung also reminds us to communicate, which bulids relationships with other teachers. He also said to be reasonable and not to set your expectations for your students too high or low. He also says not to be afraid of technology, listen to your students, and never stop learning. Being afraid of technology is one of the worst things you can do as a teacher. There are so many useful tools out there and you will miss out if you are afraid of computers.
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