The Technology Literate Teacher
As I was watching this videocast done by some of last semester's EDM 310 student's, I was trying to think of what would have made this it better. I tried to think of things that I would have done different, and things that I will do on the videocast that I do this semester.
The first thing that I noticed was that the students seemed very dull and boring. It was probably because they were nervous, but the way they did not seem excited made me want to stop watching. I think that it would have made the videocast much better if they seemed glad to be doing the videocast. When I do my videocast I will try to remember to not be nervous and to be enthusiastic about the topic.
The next thing that I noticed was that the placement of the people around the table was a little awkward. It was probably due to the amount of people in the group. If there had been less people in the group and they had all been facing the camera, kind of like news people, it would have made it more appealing to the audience.
I also noticed that some of the people in the videocast wore t-shirts. I think that it would have looked better if everyone had dressed professionally. I will try to look professional when I do my videocast. Dressing professionally makes a person more believable to their audience.
I believe that if I remember these things and learn from this videocast, I will do well when I do my own videocast. It is always good to learn from other people,so I think that this exercises was very helpful.
The resource I chose to prepare me for my podcast was:Practical Principals
This website was one created by two principals, Melinda Miller and Scott Elias. Mrs. Miller is an Elemetary School Principal and Mr. Elias is a high school assistant principal. Mrs. Miller does staff development training for podcasting. I thought that this was a really good thing for a principal to do. Many teachers today have been teaching for many years and may not have grown up learning about technology. This is a good way to keep them up to date. This taught me that you always need to be learning new things. If you want to use podcasting in your classroom, you have to be proficient enough in it to show your students how to use it effectively.
At the beginning of the podcast that I listened to. Mr. Elias started began and then introduced Mrs. Miller. He was very enthusiastic and upbeat. This was something that I think I will try to do in my podcast. They said that they try to "frame" their podcast and then stay on task. I think that this is one of the most important things that I learned from this resource.I think that it is important to have a plan and know what you are going to say, but you don't want to sound like you are reading off of a sheet of paper.
This was a very good resource for people who may be considering using podcasting. By listening to these podcasts a teacher could learn what to do and not do from these experienced podcasters.
Nice post!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post. Good job.