Sunday, November 22, 2009
My Personal Learning Network
To start my personal learning network, I contacted three people. I was looking for information about classroom managment. The first person I contacted was Tim Fredrick. He has a blog on various tips about teaching. There are several posts about classroom managment. The second person that I contacted was Mark Karadimos. He is a math instructor and has a blog on teaching. The third person that I contacted was a blogger who is a teacher and has a blog dedicated to the subject of classroom managment. Reading through this blog helped me to learn some good tips that I will use in my classroom one day. I would suggest that future teachers check this blog out by clicking here.
Goodbye Class!
I just want to say that I really enjoyed this class and everyone who was in it. Hopefully I'll see many of you in some of my other classes. Good luck with the rest of your time in college and in your future careers! Mr. Wakeman, you are a good teacher. Thanks for making this class as nice as it was.
Mandatory Post
1. I learned a lot in this class. Although many of the things I had to do stressed me out, I did them. I enjoyed doing the blogs. I like to write in a journal, so I think that I will use blogging for more than just making a good grade in this class. When I started this class, I knew nothing about Google Docs. I am glad I learned about that becasue it is something that could be very helpful if I did not have access to Microsoft Office. Doing the podcast was interesting. I don't think its something I'll ever want to do again, but at least now I know how it works. I didn't have a YouTube account before this class, and it may or may not be something that I use again. In my opinion, I did not benefit from the PLN becasue no one that I contacted ever got back to me. I didn't have a Twitter account before this class either. I will not use Twitter after this class because it gets on my nerves! Making a professional blog is something that can be useful. I think it is a great idea. All in all I enjoyed this class. There are some things that I could care less about.
2. There is nothing that I wanted to learn in this class that I did not learn. I think that this class covered alot and maybe it was too much. I had this class one night a week and sometimes it felt like we didn't get to learn as much about some things becasue we had so much to cover in a short period of time.
3. There is not something that I hated so much that I wish that I had not learned about it, but I did not enjoy having to make so many different accounts. I feel like I have an account for everything under the sun!
4. This class did not excite me in any way. I don't really enjoy technology. I do think that it is useful, but it is not something that I get excited about. It's just something I use.
5. There were some challenging things in this class, but not one particular thing. I think I made some of the things seem harder than they were. I tend to stress easily and get overwhelmed when I do not know how to do something, or I have to do something new. I made it though!
6. I was not bored in this class. It kept me quite busy.
7. If I could change something about this class, I would have seperate classes for elementary and secondary ed majors so that we could focus more on how to use the technology with the age group we will be working with. Using technology with seniors in high school is way different than using it with kindergarteners!
8. I am somewhat technologically literate. I would say I'm probably medium.
9. I will maintain my technologyical literacy throughout my time in college and when I start teaching by using the knowlege I've learned to complete projects, keep up with classmates, learn from others, and gather information. I will make it a habit to take advantage of some of the things that I learned about, like Google Docs.
2. There is nothing that I wanted to learn in this class that I did not learn. I think that this class covered alot and maybe it was too much. I had this class one night a week and sometimes it felt like we didn't get to learn as much about some things becasue we had so much to cover in a short period of time.
3. There is not something that I hated so much that I wish that I had not learned about it, but I did not enjoy having to make so many different accounts. I feel like I have an account for everything under the sun!
4. This class did not excite me in any way. I don't really enjoy technology. I do think that it is useful, but it is not something that I get excited about. It's just something I use.
5. There were some challenging things in this class, but not one particular thing. I think I made some of the things seem harder than they were. I tend to stress easily and get overwhelmed when I do not know how to do something, or I have to do something new. I made it though!
6. I was not bored in this class. It kept me quite busy.
7. If I could change something about this class, I would have seperate classes for elementary and secondary ed majors so that we could focus more on how to use the technology with the age group we will be working with. Using technology with seniors in high school is way different than using it with kindergarteners!
8. I am somewhat technologically literate. I would say I'm probably medium.
9. I will maintain my technologyical literacy throughout my time in college and when I start teaching by using the knowlege I've learned to complete projects, keep up with classmates, learn from others, and gather information. I will make it a habit to take advantage of some of the things that I learned about, like Google Docs.
7 Stupid Mistakes & 7 Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology & New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation

Seven Stupid Things Teachers Do With Technology
Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology
New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation
I read each of these lists and I feel that they are all important. If I must choose the two most important I would choose the Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology and New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation. I would choose the first one because I know that there are teachers out there who really do the things on this list. They should be fired. This list shows the example of how not to be a technology literate teacher. These things really happen every day and people need to be aware of it. I would also chose the list called New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation. I choose this one because I think it is a good model of how technology is changing everything we know about how school use to be. This list shows that by using technology, learning can be fun. It's not all about sitting still in your seat with your hand raised when you have a question. It's about having options. With technology, you can go to school in your pajamas while eating breakfast if you want to, get up and go to the bathroom when you want to, and talk when you want to. Technology also allows a person to have many sources at their fingertips. All three of the lists were important, but the two that I chose seemed to really show some important things that people need to be aware of.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
At the Teacher's Desk

The blog At the Teacher's Desk is a very interesting blog about teachers using technology. I read five posts from this blog and learned a new perspective on a few things.I read the posts from October 20, September 24, September 18, September 13, and September 10.
In the October 20th post, the author discussed the need for teachers to become social networking experts. This is problably the post that I got the most out of. The author said that they had to cover for a teacher who was sick. The sick teacher's class would be testing in the lab. However, many of the students were already finished with the tests and needed something to do. The sick teacher said that they had been covering probablilty. So, author said that they sent out a tweet which said "Quick, I need some websites for students to do probability games. Sick teacher needs some help." Within minutes responses flooded in. The author of the blog said that this is a not only a positive pin story, but it is more. "It is a hint of what we will soon see in education." The author also stated that Students need a link to what they will learn, and that teachers are that link. I think that being experts in social networking is a great asset for teachers and this story proves how it can be.
The September 24th post was titled "How Do I Know I'm Not Just Being Selfish." The author discussed whether or not the he is imposing his belief that learning about blogging, creating media, and connecting with others or not. Is he forcing his intrests on others? Is technology better than traditional content? In my opinion too much of a good thing is not good. Everything needs to be in moderation. So, by combining technology and traditional content, students and teachers can benefit.
The September 18th post discussed using Skype to connect Mrs. Baker's ESOL class and Mrs. Whittier's Spanish class. I thought that this was a great thing. It shows how using technology can enhance learning and give people opportunities that they might otherwise not have. Mrs. Whittier wanted her class to learn about schools in Mexico and to have an authentic experience with the Spanish language. Mrs. Baker's class got an opportunity to see what attending a private school in Virginia is like. The classes were able to learn from one another and never have to leave their own classrooms.
The September 13th post discussed using technology efficently for communication. The author said that Twitter is good for quick communication, but that not enough parents access it to make it worthwhile. So, by combining it with the class blog by putting a Twitter feed on the sidebar of the blog, a few more parents access Twitter. However, he said that many of the parents do not access it enogh to get the updates on time. The author suggested giving out your cell phone number so that parents can easily access you. Some people are concerned that if they do this they will never be able to "turn off" work. The author said that he prefers speaking to the parents. The author also said that if "turning off" work becomes a problem, he is perfectly capable of not answering a call. I agree with the author here. I think that many parents would prefer speaking to the teacher if there was a real problem. I'm not talking about calling to find out petty things. I would let parents know that they can call me on my cell phone if there is something really important that they need to talk to me about. The technology of cell phones allows a person to be available at all times, which is why I think that this is a great way to use technology to communicate effectively. The author also suggested that teachers try using faceboook. Many parents have facebook and check it each day. By making a facebook account for the class, parents can have access to information on what is going on in their child's class.
The last post that I read was from September 10th. It stated that people are trying to ban pencils and crayons from school because they are dangerous. Now that there are colored penicls, the notes that students pass have drawings on them. There is also something new coming out called a ballpoint pen. People are afraid of this becasue it cannot be erased. This made me laugh. It reminds me of the way people are afraid of technology. It is important for teachers to not be afraid of learnig about and using technology in their clasrooms.
With blogging teachers can keep a professional collaborative blog such as this one. The author has links to his collaborators, which allows him to click and learn new information from peers. It is important for teachers to collaborate so that they can get new ideas and opinions. This will help teachers to stay excited about their job. It will allow them to provide an up-to-date education for their students.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Michael Wesch

I watched the Michael Wesch video called "Toward a New Future of Whatever". In this video he discussed how there is a strong bond between media and culture. When media changes, our conversations change. He showed a picture of his college class. The students looked like they were not paying much attention, and seemed very disinterested. Then he showed a picture of an American Idol casting call. Everyone seemed excited, and very interested in what was going on. He said that the difference was in the word "whatever." "Whatever" has changed into a word that describes our culture today: people think that the world is about them. They are self absorbed and miss opportunities to help others. People lose sight of what is really important and they seem to not actively work on their relationships. Mr Wesch said that things like youtube and blogging is a great way to keep connected. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace are other ways to keep in touch with friends and family. I use myspace to communicate with friends from high school, and my sister-in-law who lives 4 hours away. I also use blogging and twitter to communicate with my classmates and to ask questions about homework. As a future teacher I can see how these things will help me communicate with students and parents. They can use these new technologies to ask questions about homework, projects and other important information. It could also be a quick way for parents to write me a note concerning their child's progress in school. It opens up many doors for educators.
Student's Posting Their Work to Blogs

I think that it is important for students to post their work to blogs and in other ways because it opens up doors and presents opportunities that might otherwise not come to them. A great exapmle of this is how the elementary school students of thePS22 Chorus brought Stevie Nicks to tears as she watched a video of them singing a version of her song "Landslide." She invited the chorus to sing at Madison Square Garden for the Fleetwood Mac Show. If the students had not posted their song on the internet, they never would have been given such a great opportunity. Another example of this is Dear Kaia, a blog that Jabiz Raisdana keeps about his daughters. In one post, he shared about the importance of children spending time outdoors and connecting with nature. He had just finished reading The Last Child in the Woods, which gave him the idea to let his daughter take pictures outdoors and post a photo essay about what she saw. A group of eighth graders in Missouri was commenting on Mr. Raisdana's blog and he noticed their comments. They talked with him on Skype and decided to do a voicethreadfor Kaia about how her photo essay was used to help them learn.
Students who are graduating from college can use blogs to post their work as a type of resume for future employers. They can add videos and other content which would help to show how qualified they are for a job. I think that this is a great idea because one can learn a lot about a person by reading things that they have written, or by looking at pictures and videos of them. A future employer might be able to get a better idea about a person's personality by looking at a blog than they would during a thirty minute interview. A site called Zoli's blog discusses this topic. It says that resumes are dead, and that a person's blog is their new resume.
Another great thing about students posting their work to blogs is that it can give other teachers ideas for things to do with their students. It could be part of a teachers Personal Learnig Network.It is also a great way for parents to see what their child is doing in school. Even though I'm in college, my dad wanted to read my blog posts, so I gave him my blog address. He has been reading them and talks to me about things that I've written. It is a great way for students to share what they've learned in school.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

ACCESS, or the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide, is a distance learning tool provided by the state of Alabama. Their vision is "to provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. It offers online courses. The website offers announcements, important dates, a list of support centers, and resources. ACCESS also provides AP, or advanced placement courses, which are college board approved,remediation modules for the Alabama High School Graduation Exams.
Access offers many resources such as AVL (Alabama Virtual Library), ChemLab, Curriculum Pathways, Elluminate, Grapghmatica, HippoCampus, Mathtype, and NetTrekker. Some of these resources require special programs or passwords from ACCESS teachers. Others are free. AVL allows students to access books, articles, and other information from the web that are normally available at public libraries. Chemlab is a specialized download that provides simulation software for educational courses, such as chemistry. Curriculum Pathways is a free online resource for students and teachers. It has web-based resources for core classes grades 8-12. Elluminate is a live multi-media collaboration tool. Graphmatica is an equation plotter. Students and teachers can print, copy, and save graphs using this tool. Hippocampus offers high-quality multi-media content for general education courses to high school students. MathType is an interactive equation editor. This tool requires a password from the Access teacher. NetTrekker provides digital content which is organized by grade and reading level.
I think that ACCESS is a great resource for distance learners. It has many tools available to students and teachers who are involved in this program. Distance learning is a good option for many students. This is a very useful resource and it seems to be very up-to-date with new technology.

ALEX, or the Alabama Learning Exchange was created by the Alabama Department of Education. It is a program that has helpful resources for parents, students, and teacher. There are some good resources for teachers. The first one is the Alabama Course of Study. Teachers are able to access this to help them to make sure they cover all skills that should be covered in each subject they teach. It is divided by grade level. This could also be helpful for students and parents to make sure that the teachers are covering what they should.
Another resource that ALEX has is Weblinks. Links to websites are available to parents, teachers, and students on almost any topic. Teachers can use this to find information to include in lesson plans. Studens can use this to find information for projects and reports. Parents can use this to look up things that their child is studying so that they can help them. Podcasts are another resource that ALEX has that can benefit parents, teachers and students in the same way.
Lesson plans are another resource that ALEX has. Teachers can find lesson plans to use in their classroom and can share their lesson plans with other teachers. This is one of the best features of ALEX for teachers. It allows teachers to collaborate with one another and benefit from the experiences of other teachers.
I think that this site is very useful for parents, teachers and students. I wish that my parents and I had been able to use this when I was in school. It would have been great to have when doing projects. I am happy to see that Alabama provides such great resources to their teachers and students. I think that I am most excited (as a future teacher) about the lesson plans available on ALEX.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dear Kaia
I really enjoyed watchingKaia's first photo essay and reading the other blogs and comments. There is so much new technology out there for us to use. It opens up so many doors to learn. I do not have children yet, but if I did I would be concerned about their safety just like Kaia's dad, Jabiz Raisdana. I think that it is great though that he is not living in fear and that he is exposing his daughter to technology and more importnatly the outdoors.
There are so many kids today who do not play outside. Part of this is due to technology and part is due to their laziness or their parent's laziness.Technology may be part of the reason, but it can not be blamed. Parents need to find a happy medium for their children. They need to let them play outside and spend time on the computer or playing video games.
The commments on each of the blogs were interesting. I aggreed with most of them. I think that the way Mr. C's class did a video story for Kaia is very neat.It just goes to show you that there is much to learn, even from children. This type of new technology will transform education and the way we learn. As Dr.Strange said in one of his comments, it could replace education the way we know it today, or allow it to survive.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New Media Literacies

New Media Literacies
The New Media Literacies Video named eleven skills that are needed to function and be productive in todays culture. They are skills that everyone needs to do many things that are required of them today because the average person today is both the producer and consumer of technology.
The eleven skills are: judgement, negotiation, appropriation, play, transmedia navigation, simulation, collective intelligence, performance, distributed cognition, visualization and multitasking. I think that these are skills that everyone needs. I do think that they are skills that are needed to be effective today. I believe that I have the skill of judgement, negotiation, play and multitasking. The way to aquire the skills that I lack is to be open minded and to adapt to the changes that are being made.
The New Media Literacies Project
This site explains more about media literacy and how it is used.
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

The Networked Student
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler was an interesting video. It really made me think about how much education is changing and I'm not so sure I like it. The networked student has no textbook and the teacher rarely lectures. This is in high school, but it seems more like college!
The networked student takes control of their learning experience and collaborates with others. They build their own personal learning networked. The student will find valid websites on his subject and checks for the credibility of it. The student is taught how to do all of this before they are required to do so. The networked student will use Google Scholar to search for scholarly and peer-reviewed articles that pertain to the subject they are learning. When the networked student finds a website or article which is worth using, he will post it to his social bookmarking site where he will share the sites he's found with others and he will find site's that others have posted that may be helpful to him. The networked student will also read the blogs of others which might contribute to his learning.
The purpose of the teacher in a networked class would be to teach the students how to build their personal learning network, offers guidance, teaches the students how to communicate correctly with others in a respectful way, teaches the students how to decide what is good and bad information, and helps that students organize the information that they gather.
In my opinion I do not think that students would get as much out of a networked class as they would physically habing their teacher there everyday. As a future educator I do not like this idea because there would not be a need for as many educators as there are right now. I think that a networked class is too complex for younger students and personally if I was a parent of a middle school student who Mrs. Drexler was teaching in this way, I would be annoyed with all of the time my child would have to spend on the computer. Children do not need to have to spend so much time on the computer. They need to be active. In my opinion this idea would be good to use if students were only required to use it in completing one project. It would allow the students the best of both worlds.
Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 & 2

This Is How We Dream Part 1
This Is How We Dream Part 2
Richard Miller's This Is How We Dream Videos explained that our culture is changing in the way we recieve and compile information. I can remember in elementary school when we would go to the library you had to use the old timey card catalog to find out where a book was located. Now a computer is used. It's the same way with looking up information. When doing reports in elementary school I often used my grandmother's set of encyclopedias which did not have the most recent information in them. Now all I have to do is log on to the internet and the information is at my fingertips and is up to date.
Using things such as e-mail and blogs allows people to collaborate and share informaiton with one another. These are great tools to use in a classroom. By using the internet and new technology people are able to create documents with out using a pen and paper. It is important to know how to use the technology available to you so that you can benefit from it. The best way to make sure that people can transition into this new way of learning is to teach them at an early age.
In disagree with Mr. Miller about all writing being done on the computer. Paper and pencils are much cheaper than a computer and many people can not afford a computer. I also think that it is important for people to know how to write things by hand. Some things are effectively done by writing on the computer, but other things, such as a letter is not done as effectively on the computer unless it is a business letter. Letters which are handwritten seem more personal.
I think that I would be willing to write with multimedia and would try my best. I also think that children would be able to do it with alot of practice. I do not think that everyone would enjoy doing it that way.
Monday, October 5, 2009
iPods in Instruction

iPods are beggining to creep their way into schools and are becoming a very useful tool. After viewing this link, I can see just how useful iPods could be in a classroom. Duke University gave 1600 incoming freshman brand new iPods in the fall of 2004. This was part of their Digital Initiative. The students had access to many lectures and other helpful things through the iPods. They can access school information from these iPods. Many classes such as foreign languages, engineering, music and many others are incorporating the use of iPods into the classroom.
Duke University continues to give incoming freshman new iPods and the results have been phenomenal. According to this link, the academic uses for ipods were: course content dissemination, classroom recording, field recording, and study support. Sixty percent of the incomeing freshman reported that recording was the most widely used tool for academic purposes. A site that would be helpful in creating your own podcast to use for instruction can be found here.
iTunes University

Introduction to iTunes University
iTunes University is a new and exciting tool for education. It is both helpful to students and teachers. It is free and offers endless podcasts on every educational topic imaginable. It allows students and teachers to learn and teach in a new way, which allows much flexibility.
Students will probably get the most benefit from iTunes University. They can download lectures to their computer or ipod that they missed, or did not understand. They are then able to listen to the lectures as many times as they would like and even listen to only the parts that they did not understand. This would help many students who might miss class because they are sick or had an emergency.
Teachers can use podcasts from iTunes University as an educational tool for any classroom. It can even be used in Elementary school classrooms. This tool will allow teachers to share accurate information with their class in an audio form. According to another website I looked at,"iTunes University: Better Than the Real Thing",college students who heard a lecture via iTunes University scored better on an exam than students who were given a traditional lecture. This will help both students and teachers achieve their goals.
Dr. Alice Christie

Dr. Christie's Website
After exploring Dr. Alice Christie's Website I found many things that would be helpful to me as a teacher. The part I found most interesting and helpful was the information about Virtual Fieldtrips. Dr. Christie gives a "webinar," which you have to pay to see (which I did not do)about taking virtual field trips. She suggests taking virtual field trips because of all of the budget cuts that have taken place lately.
Virtual Field Trips are a great idea because as a teacher, you can take your class almost anywhere. You could take a field trip to outer space or travel back in time without ever leaving your classroom. In my opinion this is almost better than Mrs. Frizzle's Magic Schoolbus! Another great thing about Virtual Field Trips is that they are budget friendly. Virtual Field trips can save schools, teachers, and students lots of money. Another plus of Virtual Field Trips is that teachers can take their classrooms to places that noramlly a classroom would not be allowed, such as a factory, or other dangerous place.
Sunday, October 4, 2009

NPR Article on Wikipedia
After reading the NPR material on Wikipedia I realized just how unreliable Wikipedia is. I new that my teachers in high school never let me use Wikipedia as a source on any paper, so I had some idea that it was unreliable, but I did not know much about how it worked. I watched the NPR Podcast about Wikipedia The NPR podcast said that Virgil Griffith used IP addresses to track people who edited Wikipedia. It explained how when you edit Wikipedia you must leave your name or you can change it anonymously but it will trace your computer and can tell who edited it. The problem with this is that people can still go into places with wi-fi and edit Wikipedia without being tracked. Big companies such as Wal-Mart, Dow Chemical Co. and Diebold have all changed information concernig the companies to make them seem something they are not. This is the downfall of Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is a good idea, but it is getting to be so big that it is not being used as it was intended to be. The NPR article about Wikipedia says that Wikipedia is a model for 2.0 collaboration. The article also says "Still, Wikipedia's troubles suggest the limits of Web 2.0 — that when an idealized community gets too big, it starts becoming dysfunctional. Just like every other human organization." It is important to remember that Wikipedia, although it contains a lot of good information, can not always be a trusted source.
Overall, my view of Wikipedia is that it can not be trusted. As a teacher I will allow Wikipedia to be used only when it is backed by another source.I will allow it to be used on essays and other small papers, but I will not allow it for the use on research papers.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
This video was very interesting and inspiring. Randy Pausch is dying of cancer, yet he is so positive. He talks about his disease and how even though he does not have long to live, he is healthier than many people in the audience. I couldn't believe that he is so close to death and could do all of those push-ups! He talks about his childhood dreams and describes how he did or did not achieve those dreams. Then he gives us some lessons he learned in life.
Mr. Pausch described some of his childhood dreams to the audience. They sound like many dreams that little boys have. They were things like being in zero gravity, playing in the NFL, being like Captain Kirk, winning big stuffed animals, and being an imagineer with Disney. He accomplished some but not all of those dreams. Something that he said that really stuck out to me was that the two greatest things are achieving your dreams and enabling the dreams of others. Teachers help others enable their dreams every day. That is why I look forward to being a teacher.
Something else that he said which stuck out to me was that the best gift you can give someone is helping them become self reflective. This is true because when someone is self reflective, they see what their weak areas are and are able to work on those things. If a person is self reflective they can accomplish great things in life. He made a good point when he said that you have to decide if you are going to be a Tigger or an Eeyore in life. This is good advice because if you make a conscious effort to be positive, like Tigger, then you will not bring others down with your negativity, like Eeyore.
The techniques he advocates are: have fun, never give up, get feedback from other people because you can learn from it, don't complain-just work harder, show gratitude, work hard, find the best in everybody, be prepared, and "Don't bail; the best of gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap." He also said to be good at something because it makes you valuable. All of these techniques are good things for teachers to go by .
At the end of the video, Mr. Pausch revealed that he had done this "Last Lecture" not for the audience, but for his three kids. It was his advice for them to use in their life. He wanted to leave them something to remember him by. This is perhaps the most important thing he has done in his very successful life.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
I thought that Karl Fisch made some very good points. Teachers need to show their students that you have to continue to learn even when you graduate from school. Teachers can do this by learning new things about technology and incorporating them into their lessons. Mr. Fisch's statement that talked about how being a technologically illiterate teacher today is like being a teacher 30 years ago who could not read, really made me realize how important technology is. I had never looked at it that way.
Although technology is not the most important aspect of education, it is an asset. A student can still learn something without using it, but it sure does make things easier to learn. I think that it is important for teachers to know the basic computer skills and know how to access different things that will benefit their lessons. Teachers must not only be willing to teach, they must also be willing to learn. If teachers keep an open mind and try to learn new things, not only will they benefit, but their students will as well.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

Michael Wesch: "A Vision of Students Today"
This video was very interesting. I really related to it. It does capture my college experience. I am taking two classes right now that we have not used our book in. I paid so much money for my books and it makes me sick to think that they are not being used. I also related to the part at the end which said that students have to be multitaskers. I am so busy right now and I am constantly multitasking. For example, right now I am washing and drying clothes, cooking supper, watching TV and doing my homework. Except for the TV part, all of these things I have to be doing right now.This video pretty much sums up how I feel about college.
If I had to add one thing to this video it would probably be that I will not only be in debt when I graduate, I will have spent thousands of dollars commuting to and from school. I drive 106 miles 4 days per week and about 50 miles 2 nights per week. This has been my biggest aggravation with college. I wonder how many other students in the country are spending that much on gas, and what the total amount of money college students are spending on gas each year. I'm sure we would be amazed at the total.
What I've Learned This Year
"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung
Mr. McClung had a very good point. In college the professors teach you to make sure your lessons are delivered well, and they keep you focused on how you are being assessed by your superiors. He said that he needed to focus on whether or not the lesson was student oriented or not. He says not to worry so much about the delivery of the lesson, but to be more concerned with whether or not the students comprehend it. Another good poing that Mr. McClung made was that you have to be flexible. You can plan the pefect lesson, but it might not go as you planned. Mr. McClung also reminds us to communicate, which bulids relationships with other teachers. He also said to be reasonable and not to set your expectations for your students too high or low. He also says not to be afraid of technology, listen to your students, and never stop learning. Being afraid of technology is one of the worst things you can do as a teacher. There are so many useful tools out there and you will miss out if you are afraid of computers.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Technology Literate Teacher/Resources

The Technology Literate Teacher
As I was watching this videocast done by some of last semester's EDM 310 student's, I was trying to think of what would have made this it better. I tried to think of things that I would have done different, and things that I will do on the videocast that I do this semester.
The first thing that I noticed was that the students seemed very dull and boring. It was probably because they were nervous, but the way they did not seem excited made me want to stop watching. I think that it would have made the videocast much better if they seemed glad to be doing the videocast. When I do my videocast I will try to remember to not be nervous and to be enthusiastic about the topic.
The next thing that I noticed was that the placement of the people around the table was a little awkward. It was probably due to the amount of people in the group. If there had been less people in the group and they had all been facing the camera, kind of like news people, it would have made it more appealing to the audience.
I also noticed that some of the people in the videocast wore t-shirts. I think that it would have looked better if everyone had dressed professionally. I will try to look professional when I do my videocast. Dressing professionally makes a person more believable to their audience.
I believe that if I remember these things and learn from this videocast, I will do well when I do my own videocast. It is always good to learn from other people,so I think that this exercises was very helpful.
The resource I chose to prepare me for my podcast was:Practical Principals
This website was one created by two principals, Melinda Miller and Scott Elias. Mrs. Miller is an Elemetary School Principal and Mr. Elias is a high school assistant principal. Mrs. Miller does staff development training for podcasting. I thought that this was a really good thing for a principal to do. Many teachers today have been teaching for many years and may not have grown up learning about technology. This is a good way to keep them up to date. This taught me that you always need to be learning new things. If you want to use podcasting in your classroom, you have to be proficient enough in it to show your students how to use it effectively.
At the beginning of the podcast that I listened to. Mr. Elias started began and then introduced Mrs. Miller. He was very enthusiastic and upbeat. This was something that I think I will try to do in my podcast. They said that they try to "frame" their podcast and then stay on task. I think that this is one of the most important things that I learned from this resource.I think that it is important to have a plan and know what you are going to say, but you don't want to sound like you are reading off of a sheet of paper.
This was a very good resource for people who may be considering using podcasting. By listening to these podcasts a teacher could learn what to do and not do from these experienced podcasters.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

For this assignment I viewed the following podcasts:
Smartboard Lessons
MacBreak Weekly
This Week in Photography
This is the first time I have ever dealt with podcasts and I was very intimidated by them at first. I have never seen one before now.I did not even know what one was. After playing around with them,I think that they are interesting. It took me a little while to get the hang of things, but I finally did. I did not realize how many types of podcasts there were! There is one on every subject you can think of!
All of the podcasts started out with some form of an introduction. Some began with music and/or small talk, kind of like a radio talkshow. They didn't just jump right in to the meat of the information. They got your attention first. The small talk made the hosts more personable, like you knew them. The podcasts that had video were the most beneficial to me because I retain information better when I can see it. I enjoyed the podcasts because there were no commercials and I was able to navigate through them.
The podcasts wrapped up much like any other radio talk show. At the end of the podcasts the hosts gave out contact information and some closing remarks, and other resources that might be helpful to the viewer. Most of the podcasts ended with a song, much like it began.
I can see where podcasts could be beneficial in the classroom. It opens up a new way to learn for students. I think that podcasts would be more useful for high school students or in an online class setting in a college. I think that they might be too confusing for elementary school students unless they had very clear and easy step-by-step directions.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Media Rich Posts

Michael Jackson
(CNN) -- The Los Angeles coroner has concluded preliminarily that singer Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep, according to court documents released Monday. Los Angeles' coroner Dr. Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran reached that preliminary conclusion after reviewing toxicology results carried out on Jackson's blood, according to a search warrant and affidavit unsealed in Houston, Texas.
The affidavit outlines probable cause for search warrants of the offices of doctors who are believed to have treated Jackson.
The Associated Press is quoting a single law enforcement official, who says the L.A. County Coroner has ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office told CNN they had "no comment" on the report. An LAPD spokesman says the story did not come from their department.
The 32-page warrant said Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, told a detective that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for six weeks. Murray said each night he gave Jackson 50 mg of propofol, also known as Diprivan, diluted with the anesthetic lidocaine via an intravenous drip.
Worried that Jackson may have been becoming addicted to the drug, the Houston cardiologist said he attempted to wean him from it, putting together combinations of other drugs that succeeded in helping Jackson sleep during the two nights prior to his death.
But on June 25, other drugs failed to do the job, as he recounted to detectives in an hour-by-hour account that was detailed by detective Orlando Martinez of the Los Angeles Police Department:
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Next Generation Learning
The "Next Generation Learning" video showed many forms of technology being used in some schools today. Henry's school is a very technologically advanced school. This school has a more interactive learning environment than many of our schools do. By using technology, this school made learning interesting, fun, and easy.
The school's website shows the daily menu and makes communication between parents and teachers a breeze. Henry is able to download his homework from this site and upload it when it is complete. There is also a place to put pictures from school trips on the site so parents can see what their kids are doing.
Henry and his classmates use the wii to exercise their brains and bodies. I think that this is a good way to give kids who have trouble focusing in class an outlet for their energy. As Henry said, digital cameras make projects "come alive." The interactive white boards serve double duty as a whiteboard and computer in one. This would be a handy tool for any school to have.
This video shows just how much technology can benefit a learning environment. It was neat that the school had laptops for children to sign out and take home if they did not have one. From the perspective of this video it seemed as though this school had it all, but there are many forms of technology available that I do not know about.
The school's website shows the daily menu and makes communication between parents and teachers a breeze. Henry is able to download his homework from this site and upload it when it is complete. There is also a place to put pictures from school trips on the site so parents can see what their kids are doing.
Henry and his classmates use the wii to exercise their brains and bodies. I think that this is a good way to give kids who have trouble focusing in class an outlet for their energy. As Henry said, digital cameras make projects "come alive." The interactive white boards serve double duty as a whiteboard and computer in one. This would be a handy tool for any school to have.
This video shows just how much technology can benefit a learning environment. It was neat that the school had laptops for children to sign out and take home if they did not have one. From the perspective of this video it seemed as though this school had it all, but there are many forms of technology available that I do not know about.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
This video shows just how much education can benefit the classroom. Although I am not good with computers and I do not like them very much, I can see how helpful the new technology can be and how it will one day benefit my classroom when I become a teacher. It will make it easier for parents and teachers to communicate and will also benefit the students. After watching this video I feel like a have much to learn, but I know that it will be for my benefit and for the benefit of my future students.
Teachers like Mrs. Davis are using every possible tool they can to enhance their students' learning experience. I think that this is a good thing, but I also think that there is a point when it can go to far and can become overwhelming for some students. Many children these days are growing up using computers, which makes it come natural for them, but for others that may not be the case. If used in the right way many of the new technological gadgets will be an enhancement to the education system in our country.
With the use of technology, there is a lot of information and many tools at students' fingertips. It will make projects, reports, and homework easier for students to complete. However, if the technology is something that not all children have access to when they leave the school, it can become an advantage for some students over others. Overall I thought that this video was helpful in opening my eyes to new technology.
Teachers like Mrs. Davis are using every possible tool they can to enhance their students' learning experience. I think that this is a good thing, but I also think that there is a point when it can go to far and can become overwhelming for some students. Many children these days are growing up using computers, which makes it come natural for them, but for others that may not be the case. If used in the right way many of the new technological gadgets will be an enhancement to the education system in our country.
With the use of technology, there is a lot of information and many tools at students' fingertips. It will make projects, reports, and homework easier for students to complete. However, if the technology is something that not all children have access to when they leave the school, it can become an advantage for some students over others. Overall I thought that this video was helpful in opening my eyes to new technology.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Importance of Creativity
"Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity" was a very eye-opening video with a lot of truth. Education systems today want children to all fit one mold. They want them all to be good at math, science, english, and so on. Not everyone is cut out for that. Some, like Mr. Robinson pointed out, are good at dance and if allowed to work at what they are good at can create famous dances and become millionaires.
So many children are put on medication for ADD and ADHD, and some probably would not even need it if they were allowed to harness their creativity and become who they were destined to be. I agree that the "core subjects," such as math and science are important, but so is music, art, dance and drama. I wonder how many more famous actors the world would have in it if schools taught drama the way they do math. Some children were not destined to become college professors as Mr. Robinson pointed out. Some children were destined to become artists, famous musicians, dancers, actors, songwriters and poets. I wonder how many of the children today are being held back from their creativity because of the education system.
If the school systems would manage their money better and have funds for more courses in these creative-type classes I think that children would benefit greatly from it. I agree with Mr. Robinson, but I also think that there should be a balance between core classes and the arts. Anyone going into education or currently teaching should watch this video and think of ways to help the children in their classes find their inner creativity and let it come through.
So many children are put on medication for ADD and ADHD, and some probably would not even need it if they were allowed to harness their creativity and become who they were destined to be. I agree that the "core subjects," such as math and science are important, but so is music, art, dance and drama. I wonder how many more famous actors the world would have in it if schools taught drama the way they do math. Some children were not destined to become college professors as Mr. Robinson pointed out. Some children were destined to become artists, famous musicians, dancers, actors, songwriters and poets. I wonder how many of the children today are being held back from their creativity because of the education system.
If the school systems would manage their money better and have funds for more courses in these creative-type classes I think that children would benefit greatly from it. I agree with Mr. Robinson, but I also think that there should be a balance between core classes and the arts. Anyone going into education or currently teaching should watch this video and think of ways to help the children in their classes find their inner creativity and let it come through.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Did You Know 3.0
The video "Do You Know 3.0" was a very shocking video. It made me realize just how far we have come technilogically. In the video it said that the "New York Times" has more information in it than a person living in the eighteenth century could acquire in a lifetime. It is unbelieveable how much more informain a person living today can acquire. With the help of technology such as the internet, information is at everyone's fingertips. With newspaper, radio, books, TV, and internet I can only imagine how much more the average person of today knows than the the average person living in the eighteenth century knew.
The video pointed out that during the time it took to watch the video, 67 babies were born in the U.S., while 274 were born in China, and 395 were born in India. It is no wonder why China produces so much more technology than the U.S. does, the Chinese have a much larger population! The video also said that China has more honor students than the U.S. has children. This fact only makes my statement even more true.
In the video, it said that by 2013 there will be a computer that will be more powerful than the human brain. This scares me a little. What will this mean for the way we do things now? How will it affect our lives? I guess these are questions than can only be answered when than time comes, but until then, I am going to be more aware of how technology affects my life.
This video was not only shocking, but it was eye-opening. I think that everyone should watch this video because it reveals a lot of things that most people may not realize. Withought technology where would our world be? The technology that has been developed has made life much easier than before it was invented. The internet lets us communicate with friends, family, teachers, and classmates. Without it this class would not exist in the way we know it.
The video pointed out that during the time it took to watch the video, 67 babies were born in the U.S., while 274 were born in China, and 395 were born in India. It is no wonder why China produces so much more technology than the U.S. does, the Chinese have a much larger population! The video also said that China has more honor students than the U.S. has children. This fact only makes my statement even more true.
In the video, it said that by 2013 there will be a computer that will be more powerful than the human brain. This scares me a little. What will this mean for the way we do things now? How will it affect our lives? I guess these are questions than can only be answered when than time comes, but until then, I am going to be more aware of how technology affects my life.
This video was not only shocking, but it was eye-opening. I think that everyone should watch this video because it reveals a lot of things that most people may not realize. Withought technology where would our world be? The technology that has been developed has made life much easier than before it was invented. The internet lets us communicate with friends, family, teachers, and classmates. Without it this class would not exist in the way we know it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
First Post
Hello! My name is Mallory Cooper Burke. I recently graduated from Faulkner State Community College and this is my first semester here at the University of South Alabama. I am majoring in Elementary Education and I am very excited about becoming a teacher. I have known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was a child. My great grandmother was an elementary school teacher and my family says that I am just like her, so I think that it is neat that I am following in her footsteps. I love to help people in any way I can, so I think that I am definitely entering the right field, since helping a child learn is one of the best ways to do that.
I have been very happily married since June twenty-eighth, 2008 to Eric Burke. He is very supportive of me and helps me with my education as much as he can. I feel very fortunate to have a husband who does not mind helping with the dishes or cooking supper so that I can do my homework. I am going to school full time and have a part time job. He works full time for Orange Beach Water Authority and is taking two night classes per week from Faulkner's Gulf Shores campus. We are both members of the Volunteer Fire Department in our community and are very active in our church. We have very busy schedules, but somehow we get it all done.
I hope to graduate from South and find a job, which may prove to be a challenge with all of the cutbacks regarding education, but I trust that God will help me find a job. I want to teach for a few years and then have children. I will take a few years off from teaching to raise them, and then go back to teaching when the last one starts kindergarten. I hope to become one of those teachers that really impacts my students so that they will always remember my class and how much fun they had learning. I feel that it is important to have fun while learning or else it can become something to be dreaded. I look forward to this class, although it will probably be a challenge for me, because I think that it will help me tremendously in my career as an elementary school teacher.
I have been very happily married since June twenty-eighth, 2008 to Eric Burke. He is very supportive of me and helps me with my education as much as he can. I feel very fortunate to have a husband who does not mind helping with the dishes or cooking supper so that I can do my homework. I am going to school full time and have a part time job. He works full time for Orange Beach Water Authority and is taking two night classes per week from Faulkner's Gulf Shores campus. We are both members of the Volunteer Fire Department in our community and are very active in our church. We have very busy schedules, but somehow we get it all done.
I hope to graduate from South and find a job, which may prove to be a challenge with all of the cutbacks regarding education, but I trust that God will help me find a job. I want to teach for a few years and then have children. I will take a few years off from teaching to raise them, and then go back to teaching when the last one starts kindergarten. I hope to become one of those teachers that really impacts my students so that they will always remember my class and how much fun they had learning. I feel that it is important to have fun while learning or else it can become something to be dreaded. I look forward to this class, although it will probably be a challenge for me, because I think that it will help me tremendously in my career as an elementary school teacher.
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